It has been a great learning experience, being in Grad School this past year. For one, I learned who my true friends are. For everyone who continued to stand by me, even when I couldn't give them a lot of my time and energy, thank you. You are a true friend and I will never forget the support and encouragement you gave me over the past year. It made the past year so much more meaningful with you guys there by my side. I would like to especially thank my Group 1 TCPCG cohort. You guys knew exactly what I was going through and were always there with a beer or some advice when I needed it. I know you will all make fantastic teachers, and I can only hope to have the honor of working alongside some of you in the future, or at the very least meeting for a beer at McLadden's every once in awhile.
As summer creeps closer, I often hear a memory in the back of my mind of my grandfather singing, "In the good old summertime..." This week was very emotional for me because of the absence of my grandfather's presence on this momentous occasion. I realize now why I did not want to attend graduation, or make a big deal about my accomplishments this year. My grandfather is no longer here to share it. He used to call me his "scholar" and constantly embarrassed me (in a good way) with his overabundant pride. In a way, the degree that will eventually decorate my wall means less to me without him here. Not for the first time, I feel an emptiness in my heart as I miss his laugh, his singing, and his animate hands as he told a story. I miss you, Grandpa. All the work I have put in the past year I now dedicate to you. I could not have done it without you. I will always love you.
"here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)"
-e.e. cummings
The Greatest Man, Robert D. Hahn. |
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