I shook the sweat from my ponytail and shifted my weight to my dominant foot, climbing back into the dumpster. I stomped tentatively on an old speaker before putting my whole weight into it. I moved from speaker to anything stable looking, searching for things to place at the alter of my discontent. I find an old, beaten desk (or part of one) and pull it from the wreckage, dropping it over the side and climbing after. This will do.
Some say a girl has no business wielding a sledge hammer, but they don't know the power it gives to someone who lets people damage her. Besides, I feel pain, why not power? At a different point in my life, I might have curled into a fetal position and hid behind my books and things that are safe. But, I can no longer be that person. One too many times I have given in to my own cowardice. I have let needs go unsatisfied for fear of disturbance. I have sealed my lips when I should have screamed at injustice. Too long I have let things go unchallenged. So today, sledge hammer in hand, I will unleash it all. This desk will become the splintered wood of everything that has ever left a scar.
Yes, this will do.
Tomorrow, the pain will be nothing but a distant memory.
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